Professional Development Workshop Series in Earth and Environmental Science
2-PD Rocks (Rock Kit Teaching Pack) & Plate Tectonics rock stories
Riding the Climate Rollercoaster – climate changes, geologic time & beyond
Wed 18 October 2023, 2:15-3:20pm Rocks, 3:30pm-5pm Climate
School: Nowra High School, 90 Moss St, Nowra Meeting Room: front office will direct to Library
Date: Wed 18 October 2023, 2:15-3:20pm Rocks & Rock Stories (& How to Use the TESEP Rock Kit 3D renders, virtual thin sections, Rock Stories, virtual fieldtrip exposures) & Plate Tectonics settings, 3:30-5pm Riding the Climate Rollercoaster
Event Facilitator: Lyndsay Scheitel
TESEP website link: