TESEP RocksExpo (3-PD), Bathurst, NSW
Critical Minerals, Rocks (the Rock Kit Teaching Pack) & The Rock Cycle Game, Wet Rocks (groundwater & artesian basin systems, the water cycle)
School: Aust. Fossil & Mineral Museum, 224 Howick St., Bathurst, NSW.
Meeting Room: Mineral Gallery – tour the museum during breaks in the PD program
Date: Wed 10 May 2023, Critical Minerals 1:00pm–2:30pm Rocks & Wet Rocks 2:45–5:30pm
Museum Facilitator: Penny Packham
Presenters: Malte Ebach is an experienced fossil geologist (palaeontologist). Katarina David is a keen hydro-geologist and Vlad David is a minerals geologist. All presenters have worked around the world. Their work in several states of Australia, gives them many exciting rock stories to share.
Details and Application Form: http://asta-staging.3cs.website/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/2023_TESEP-RockExpo_Bathurst-Museum_Wed-10-May-2023.docx